Thursday, January 23, 2020

Chaz's School Daze: Governor Cuomo's Steath Charter Cap Expansion

Chaz's School Daze: Governor Cuomo's Steath Charter Cap Expansion

Governor Cuomo's Steath Charter Cap Expansion

Governor Andrew Cuomo has buried in his proposed budget an expansion of the charter cap in New York City. This shows that the Governor is still beholden to the Chharter industry and their education reform supporters despite his claims that he supports public education in the State..

Buried in budget documents released late Tuesday was a proposal to make room for more charter schools in New York City. In 2015, the state set a limit on how many charter schools could open in New York City in the years ahead: 50. Authorizers hit that cap last year. But the total number of charters available has actually been slightly higher, since a 2017 deal allowed authorizers to reissue 22 charters originally issued to charter schools that closed before July 2015.

This week, Cuomo proposed expanding that number, offering a new pathway to open charters as state lawmakers show no signs of CONTINUE READING: 
Chaz's School Daze: Governor Cuomo's Steath Charter Cap Expansion