Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Breaking: Our class size lawsuit will be heard Jan. 13 & last chance in 2019 to support our efforts | Class Size Matters

Breaking: Our class size lawsuit will be heard Jan. 13 & last chance in 2019 to support our efforts | Class Size Matters 

Breaking: Our class size lawsuit will be heard Jan. 13 & last chance in 2019 to support our efforts

Dear Friend:
I wanted to let you know that we just heard yesterday that the appeal of our  class size lawsuit vs the DOE Chancellor and State Education Commissioner, Agostini vs. Elia, will be heard on Monday, January 13 at 1 PM in the Appellate Court in Albany.
We filed the lawsuit originally in April 2018, along with nine NYC parents and AQE, when then-Commissioner Elia refused to make DOE comply with the Contracts for Excellence law in response to our complaint.  Wendy Lecker of the Education Law Center will be in court representing us, as she has from the beginning, defending the rights of NYC children to be provided with their constitutional right to a sound, basic education which, according to the state’s highest court, depends upon far smaller classes than the DOE currently provides.
All of you are invited to witness the court proceedings; we’ll be taking the train on Monday morning.  If you’d like to come, please reply to this message. I have written more about the lawsuit and the current class size situation on my blog here.
This is also the last day in 2019 that you can donate to the goals of achieving smaller classes and protecting student privacy.  If you believe that all children deserve class sizes where they can be truly known and supported by their teachers, rather than taught via commercial software and machines, making it more likely that their personal data will be misused and/or breached, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Class Size Matters.
If you want your donation to be used specifically to protect student privacy, please indicate that on the online form.
Happy New Year to you and your families,

Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters
124 Waverly Pl.
New York, NY 10011
phone: 212-529-3539/917-435-9329
Breaking: Our class size lawsuit will be heard Jan. 13 & last chance in 2019 to support our efforts | Class Size Matters