Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Personal Message to Bill & Melinda Gates | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Personal Message to Bill & Melinda Gates | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Personal Message to Bill & Melinda Gates

Hi, Bill and Melinda,
We have never met but I feel that I know you because I am so familiar with your education projects.
I have tried in the past to meet you and have a candid conversation but have never had any luck.
You were always too busy or out of town.
But I am trying again.
I will be in Seattle on February 3-4.
I arrive on the afternoon of the 3rd and am speaking at a public event on February 4 at Town Hall. The wonderful teacher-leader Jesse Hagopian is introducing me.
I have some down time and wondered if we might be able to meet at last.
Are you available to meet in the late afternoon or evening of February 3 or during the day on February 4?
Please let me know if you can make time on your busy schedule.
My partner will be with me.
I hope you can do it!
We have a lot to talk about!