Friday, January 10, 2020

2020 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions: 4. Focus on developing positive relationships | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions: 4. Focus on developing positive relationships | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions: 4. Focus on developing positive relationships

2020 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions
4. Develop Positive Relationships
It’s a new year and as is our custom here in the USA, we make resolutions which, while often broken, can be redefined as goals toward which we should strive.
  • Focus on developing positive relationships in the classroom.
Teachers are the most important in-school factor when it comes to student success in school. Out of school factors, especially those related to poverty, have CONTINUE READING: 2020 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions: 4. Focus on developing positive relationships | Live Long and Prosper