Thursday, December 26, 2019

Transcending “College and Career Ready” on Christmas | deutsch29

Transcending “College and Career Ready” on Christmas | deutsch29

Transcending “College and Career Ready” on Christmas

I had a wonderful Christmas.
One of the events that I treasure is the errand I needed to make to one of the few open stores in order to buy hamburger buns. (My brother grilled burgers, and what? No buns!)
I invited one of my young relatives to take the ride with me. It gave us a chance to talk.
Three years ago, this young man graduated from high school by ed-reform accounts “college and career ready.” His test scores and grades were top notch. He even graduated a year early and was accepted into multiple universities.
The only problem (and a huge one, at that) was that he was rebellious and sported an entitlement complex. He longed for the day when he would be free of his parents– free of their rules and restrictions– free to completely call the shots in his life.
In fact, he was not willing to wait until 18. He pushed for emancipation at 17, which his parents reluctantly granted.
He did attend the university but dropped out before completing a semester. He had freedom but lacked discipline or direction.
For the next three years, this young man received an education that no school could teach him.
He learned the very hard way that freedom must be coupled with responsibility.
His arrogance landed him in seedy, scary, unsafe, unstable situations. Nothing in CONTINUE READING: Transcending “College and Career Ready” on Christmas | deutsch29