Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sixteen Gadfly Articles That Made Betsy DeVos Itch in 2019
 | gadflyonthewallblog

Sixteen Gadfly Articles That Made Betsy DeVos Itch in 2019
 | gadflyonthewallblog

Sixteen Gadfly Articles That Made Betsy DeVos Itch in 2019

“Life can only be understood backwards,” wrote Søren Kierkegaard, “but it must be lived forwards.”
I remember reading the Danish philosopher’s “Fear and Trembling” in my philosophy of religion class back in college.
To be honest I was never a big fan of his work – I thought if the only way to truth was taking a leap of faith, how many madmen have already reached enlightenment?

But he had a point when he wrote about the backwards order of perspective – that we can only understand the meaning of our lives once those moments have passed. How cruel that we must live our lives without knowing the importance of those moments until later.
The only times I remember knowing – really knowing – that I was living through an CONTINUE READING: Sixteen Gadfly Articles That Made Betsy DeVos Itch in 2019
 | gadflyonthewallblog