Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Shawgi Tell: Opposing Charter Schools Equals Defending the Common Good | Dissident Voice

Opposing Charter Schools Equals Defending the Common Good | Dissident Voice

Opposing Charter Schools Equals Defending the Common Good

There is no shortage of convoluted and bizarre “arguments” for creating and multiplying privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools.
The rich and their conscious and anti-conscious allies in politics, the media, think tanks, higher education, and many other spheres have spent an astonishing amount of time, energy, and money promoting and imposing privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools on society.
The crux of these top-down antisocial efforts is to advance a capital-centered outlook and agenda by erasing a human-centered outlook and agenda. Charter schools represent the partial victory of narrow private interests over the public interest. In this sense, charter schools are a big step backward for society.
Since their inception several decades ago, privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools have functioned effectively as pay-the-rich schemes while self-servingly posing as arrangements that “benefit the kids.” They have funneled billions of public dollars to private interests with impunity. They CONTINUE READING: Opposing Charter Schools Equals Defending the Common Good | Dissident Voice