Friday, December 27, 2019

NEW: The ethics of digital literacy: Developing knowledge and skills across grade levels | radical eyes for equity

NEW: The ethics of digital literacy: Developing knowledge and skills across grade levels | radical eyes for equity

NEW: The ethics of digital literacy: Developing knowledge and skills across grade levels

homas, P.L. (2019). The ethical dilemma of satire in an era of fake news and the brave new world of social media. In K.H. Turner (ed.). The ethics of digital literacy: Developing knowledge and skills across grade levels (pp. xx-xx). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
The Ethics of Digital Literacy
Developing Knowledge and Skills Across Grade Levels
The digital era has brought many opportunities – and many challenges – to teachers and students at all levels. Underlying questions about how technologies have changed the ways individuals read, write, and interact are questions about the ethics of participation in a digital world. As users consume and create seemingly infinite content, what are the moral guidelines that must be considered? How do we teach students to be responsible, ethical citizens in a digital world?
This book shares practices across levels, from teaching elementary students to adults, in an effort to explore these questions. It is organized into five sections that address the following aspects of teaching ethics in a digital world: ethical contexts, ethical selves, ethical communities, ethical CONTINUE READING: NEW: The ethics of digital literacy: Developing knowledge and skills across grade levels | radical eyes for equity
Review at TCR: Teaching Writing as Journey, Not Destination: Essays Exploring What “Teaching Writing” Means | radical eyes for equity - via @plthomasEdD