Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Network for Public Education Releases Explosive New Report on Federal Charter Schools Program | Diane Ravitch's blog

Network for Public Education Releases Explosive New Report on Federal Charter Schools Program | Diane Ravitch's blog

Network for Public Education Releases Explosive New Report on Federal Charter Schools Program

Last spring, the Network for Public Education published a report on waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal Charter Schools Program. The report, called Asleep At the Wheel, documented the Department of Education’s failure to monitor the veracity or feasibility of applications for the program or to follow up on what happened to the money spent to launch new charter schools. It found that nearly $1 billion of federal dollars had been wasted on charters that either never opened or closed soon after opening.
Today, NPE released a new report that delves into what happened with federal money from the Charter Schools Program in the states. The findings were even more concerning than last spring’s report.
The new report is called Still Asleep At the Wheel.
An excerpt:
This report, Still Asleep at the Wheel: How the Federal Charter Schools Program Results in a Pileup of Fraud and Waste, takes up where our first report left off. In it, we provide detailed information, state by state, on how federal dollars were doled out to schools that no longer exist or never existed at all.
In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) published a list of charter schools that received grants between the years of 2006 and 2014. Using that database of 4,829 schools, we meticulously determined which charters that received grants were still open, which had closed and which had never opened, CONTINUE READING: Network for Public Education Releases Explosive New Report on Federal Charter Schools Program | Diane Ravitch's blog