Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Hard to understand CTU's vitriol on these charter closings.

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Hard to understand CTU's vitriol on these charter closings.

Hard to understand CTU's vitriol on these charter closings.

I'm having a difficult time making sense out of CTU policy statements lately. Yesterday, the union leadership came out with a blistering, overheated attack on CPS leaders. Why? Because CPS recommended the closing of two privately-run charter schools for poor academic performance and financial mismanagement.

The two schools are Chicago Virtual Charter School (CVCS) and Frazier Preparatory Academy Charter School. Both schools opened as part of Renaissance 2010, a failed initiative of former Mayor Daley’s schools chief, Arne Duncan. The initiative called for the opening of 100 new schools by 2010 amid the closure of dozens of schools the district said were "underperforming."

Arne Duncan with K12 Inc. founder William Bennett

Private charter school operators moved in like vultures, promising that their non-union schools would outperform neighborhood schools. It turned out to be a lie. The best of the charters did just about the same as the schools they were replacing. The worst either kept getting their charters renewed with little oversight, or were closed, either for poor performance, financial mismanagement or put on probation and given a few years to improve. Several more went out CONTINUE READING:
 Mike Klonsky's Blog: Hard to understand CTU's vitriol on these charter closings.