Saturday, December 28, 2019

Mercedes Schneider Discusses Richard Phelps’ Critical History of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute | Diane Ravitch's blog

Mercedes Schneider Discusses Richard Phelps’ Critical History of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute | Diane Ravitch's blog

Mercedes Schneider Discusses Richard Phelps’ Critical History of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Among rightwing think tanks, none has more intellectual firepower than the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, due to its leading thinker Chester E. Finn Jr., who has an Ed.D. from Harvard Graduate School of Education and worked in the administrations of Reagan and Nixon, as well as working for Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Lamar Alexander.
The Institute, formerly a foundation, is based in Washington, D.C., where it has a large voice in Republican politics, but its actual (if not physical) home is Ohio, because the money came from a Mr. Thomas B. Fordham, who lived in Ohio.
TBF is very influential in Ohio, where it recently wrote the state’s academic standards. TBF has been a loud cheerleader for the Common Core standards, having received millions from the Gates Foundation both to evaluate them and advocate for them.
Fordham looms large as an advocate for charters, vouchers, high-stakes testing, and punitive policies towards teachers and principals. I was an original member of the TBF board, when it was launched, and resigned in 2009, when I realized that my views were no longer aligned with those of TBF. One of the projects I CONTINUE READING: Mercedes Schneider Discusses Richard Phelps’ Critical History of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute | Diane Ravitch's blog