Friday, December 13, 2019

Governor _______’s Inaugural Address | The Merrow Report

Governor _______’s Inaugural Address | The Merrow Report

Governor _______’s Inaugural Address
Good afternoon. I am thrilled, delighted, and deeply honored to be speaking here today to our state legislature in person and, on radio and television, to citizens of the great state of _______.  As your duly elected governor, I want to promise that my team and I will spend every waking hour working on your behalf.
On the mirror in our bathroom is a small piece of paper on which appears theologian Reinhold Niebuhr’s “Serenity Prayer.”  I read it every morning.  I’m sure you know it well.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
This morning I am asking all of you to take those sentiments seriously. Let’s resolve to change what we can–what we must–change, to ensure a bright future for our state and our citizens.
For me, the answer begins with the education of our young.  That’s not all we need to work on, but if we don’t get that right, not much else matters.
Let’s remind ourselves that public education serves an important public purpose.  Yes, of course there is an undeniable private benefit to getting education: children who finish high school and college will earn significantly more over their lifetimes CONTINUE READING: Governor _______’s Inaugural Address | The Merrow Report