Thursday, December 26, 2019

Garrison Keillor: Harper Lee’s Best Christmas Present Ever | Diane Ravitch's blog

Garrison Keillor: Harper Lee’s Best Christmas Present Ever | Diane Ravitch's blog

Garrison Keillor: Harper Lee’s Best Christmas Present Ever

I recently subscribed to Garrison Keillor’s free website called”A Writer’s Almanac.”
He told this wonderful Christmas story today:
It was on this day in 1956 that novelist Harper Lee (books by this author) spent Christmas in New York City with friends, and received a gift that changed her life. In 1949, Lee had dropped out of a law program at the University of Alabama and moved to New York City, the home of her childhood friend Truman Capote. Capote had just published his first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948) — which featured a character based on Lee, and he was a literary star. In New York, Lee found a job as a ticket agent at an airline. For seven years, she wrote on the weekends, but she never published anything.
She rarely got time off from work, so she wasn’t able to get home to Alabama for Christmas. That Christmas of 1956, she was homesick. Lee wrote: “What I really missed was a memory, an old memory of people long since gone, of my grandparents’ house bursting with CONTINUE READING: Garrison Keillor: Harper Lee’s Best Christmas Present Ever | Diane Ravitch's blog