Monday, December 9, 2019

Eli Broad's Superintendent Academy Goes Ivy League | Capital & Main

Eli Broad's Superintendent Academy Goes Ivy League | Capital & Main

Eli Broad’s Superintendent Academy Goes Ivy League
The billionaire’s controversial training program has found a new home at Yale University.

Say goodbye to the Broad Academy. The Eli Broad-founded and funded superintendent’s program that since 2002 has trained “aspiring urban school system leaders” in the blunt art of disrupting communities, undermining school boards and alienating teachers through top-down district privatization techniques is pulling up its L.A. stakes and leaving California. Its destination? The Yale School of Management, which this week welcomed BA’s Broad Center umbrella org and the $100 million jackpot from the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation that comes with it. The ivy-covered facelift will transform BA’s market-based ed reform fellowship — which Diane Ravitch notes has been unencumbered by either education academicians or scholars — into a now establishment-countenanced, one-year master’s degree in education management. Also on tap will be “advanced executive training” for laissez faire-leaning district superintendents and CFOs.
“Broadies,” as graduates are known, have left their mark on Golden State public schools. Oakland Unified is still digging itself out of the mess left by three politically appointed grads that managed the district during its 2003-2009 state receivership. Ten years later, their legacy CONTINUE READING: Eli Broad's Superintendent Academy Goes Ivy League | Capital & Main