Tuesday, December 10, 2019

AFT’s Weingarten urges members: Push lawmakers to impeach Trump – People's World

AFT’s Weingarten urges members: Push lawmakers to impeach Trump – People's World

AFT’s Weingarten urges members: Push lawmakers to impeach Trump

WASHINGTON—With the House Judiciary Committee scheduled to vote on impeachment articles against GOP President Donald Trump the week of Dec. 9, Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten is urging her members to strongly lobby their lawmakers now to vote to impeach Trump for bribery and obstruction of justice.
At this point, with reports in hand of Trump’s constitutional crimes from both the Judiciary and Select Intelligence Committees, the lone remaining question seems to be whether the lawmakers will stick to impeaching the president for bribery by endangering national security with his demands to Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, using $391 million in U.S. military aid to get the Ukrainians to act – or how far to go beyond that.
The Judiciary panel also plans to impeach Trump for obstruction of justice in stonewalling the Ukrainian investigation. Still uncertain: Whether the Democratic-run committee will add obstruction counts for Trump’s refusal to cooperate in any way with the congressional probes.
Weingarten, a New York City high school civics teacher, says in her open letter to her union’s 1.6 million members that Trump committed impeachable offenses in his dealings with Ukraine.
That follows up on the AFT board’s earlier decision supporting the opening of the impeachment CONTINUE READING: AFT’s Weingarten urges members: Push lawmakers to impeach Trump – People's World