Wednesday, November 13, 2019

With A Brooklyn Accent: A New Goal in My Pedagogy-Stress Reduction

With A Brooklyn Accent: A New Goal in My Pedagogy-Stress Reduction

A New Goal in My Pedagogy-Stress Reduction
Throughout my many years teaching at Fordham, I was probably not best known for my kindness. Yes, I gave my students lots of personal attention and and made sure they had an opportunity to express themselves, but I also pushed them HARD, asking them to write long research papers that had to be handed in ON TIME. No one took my courses without doing a lot of reading and writing. My students not only learned things they didn't know before, they came out of the experience stronger, able to stand on their own knowing they had survived a harsh test
However, in the last few years, I have changed my pedagogy to reduce stress on my students.. I still demand a lot of reading and writing in my courses, but I have reduced the work load slightly, only give take home exams and untimed tests, and are more sympathetic when students ask for extensions. I also FEED my students whenever possible, making food as well as music part of the experience of taking a course with me
Why am I doing this? Because my students today are under severe stress and I don't want to add to it if I can help it
Look what they are up against
1. Many are graduating with huge student debt
2. They have a madman as President of the United States
3. There is a resurgence of racism, xenophobia and homophobia CONTINUE READING: With A Brooklyn Accent: A New Goal in My Pedagogy-Stress Reduction