Friday, November 22, 2019

Time to Panic? The NAEP Scores Didn’t Go Up! | Live Long and Prosper

Time to Panic? The NAEP Scores Didn’t Go Up! | Live Long and Prosper

Time to Panic? The NAEP Scores Didn’t Go Up!

The NAEP scores are in and the “reformers,” or as Diane Ravitch has taken to calling them, the “Disrupters” are up in arms because the scores haven’t improved. The disrupters promised all of us that charter schools, testing, vouchers, and other “reforms” would solve the low achievement scores, but as we now can see, that didn’t happen. Perhaps there’s something else that might be affecting the achievement of the students in our classrooms…
When reading through the articles noted below it’s important to remember two things.
First, the National Reading Panel did not support heavy phonics instruction despite what “phonics-first” partisans might tell you. It’s true, the National Reading Panel Summary said that a phonics-based approach was supported, however, that was different than what was actually in the full National Reading Panel report! (See also I Told You So! The Misinterpretation and Misuse of The National Reading Panel Report by NRP Panel member, Joanne Yatvin and More Smoke and Mirrors: A Critique of the National Reading Panel (NRP) Report on “Fluency” by Stephen Krashen.)
The actual National Reading Panel Report says (p. 2-97),
…it is important to emphasize that systematic phonics instruction should be integrated with other reading instruction to create a balanced reading program. Phonics instruction is never a total reading program. [emphasis added]
So…the NRP recommends something akin to Balanced Literacy…something the “phonics-firsters” decry as “unscientific.”
Second, as Steven Singer (Gadfly on the Wall Blog) reminds us, NAEP proficient level isn’t the same as grade-level. Diane Ravitch, who served on the NAEP Governing Board for seven years explains it this way
Proficient is akin to a solid A. In reading, the proportion who were  CONTINUE READING: 
Time to Panic? The NAEP Scores Didn’t Go Up! | Live Long and Prosper