Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Really Scary Thing about Queen Betsy | I Love You but You're Going to Hell

The Really Scary Thing about Queen Betsy | I Love You but You're Going to Hell

The Really Scary Thing about Queen Betsy

I know it’s too late for Halloween, but here’s something scary to think about: As Jack Schneider argued this week at the History of Education Society annual meeting, the reason Betsy DeVos flubs so many basic questions in interviews is not because she is dim. It is not because she is a tony socialite out of her depth, or as Stephen Colbert described her, “one of the garden-party guests from Get Out.” No, the reason Queen Betsy makes so many prominent mistakes is far more frightening for people who care about public education.
Given recent revelations from Trump’s White House, it’s easy to forget what used to seem shocking, but back in 2018 Queen Betsy astounded America with her vast ignorance about educational questions. A lot of commentators concluded that she embodied ineptitude.
Exhibit A was her interview with Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes:
DEVOS: Well, in places where there have been — where there is — a lot of choice that’s been introduced — Florida, for example, the — studies show that when there’s a large number of students that opt to go to a different school or different schools, the traditional public schools actually — the results get better, as well.
STAHL: Now, has that happened in Michigan? We’re in Michigan. This is your home state.
DeVOS: Michi — Yes, well, there’s lots of great options  CONTINUE READING: The Really Scary Thing about Queen Betsy | I Love You but You're Going to Hell