Monday, November 25, 2019

The Curious Case of The Century Foundation and Its Charter Advocacy | Diane Ravitch's blog

The Curious Case of The Century Foundation and Its Charter Advocacy | Diane Ravitch's blog

The Curious Case of The Century Foundation and Its Charter Advocacy

The Century Foundation is supposed to be a liberal foundation. I had numerous contacts with it when it was previously known as The Twentieth Century Fund. My most memorable experience involved my membership on a task force in 1983 or so, which prepared a critique of American education and the need for reform. For that era, our task force report was fairly run-of-the-mill. What was remarkable was that our staff director disagreed with the task force. He wrote a ringing defense of our public schools and took issue with the conclusions of the report. His name was Paul Petersen. He is now one of the leading critics of public schools, now one of the most widely published advocates for vouchers and charters. Well, we switched sides.
Fast forward to the present.
The Twentieth Century Fund is now the Century Fund. My ex-husband served on its board for many years. It has a reputation for its careful research and sober findings.
But last year, the Century Fund released a report about how charter schools can promote “diversity by design,” identifying 125 charter schools that promote diversity.
This raised eyebrows because charters have frequently CONTINUE READING: The Curious Case of The Century Foundation and Its Charter Advocacy | Diane Ravitch's blog