Friday, November 1, 2019

NAEP Test Scores Show How Stupid We Are… To Pay Attention to NAEP Test Scores | gadflyonthewallblog

NAEP Test Scores Show How Stupid We Are… To Pay Attention to NAEP Test Scores | gadflyonthewallblog

NAEP Test Scores Show How Stupid We Are… To Pay Attention to NAEP Test Scores 

Brace yourselves!
And the media typically set its collective hair on fire trying to interpret the data.
Sometimes called the Nations Report Card, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test is given to a random sampling of elementary, middle and high school students in member countries to compare the education systems of nations.
And this year there was one particular area where US kids did worse than usual!
Our scores went down in 8th grade reading!
To be honest, scores usually go up or down by about one or two points every year averaging out to about the same range.
But this year! Gulp! They went down four points!
What does that mean?
Absolutely nothing.
You might as well compare the relative body temperatures of randomly selected CONTINUE READING: NAEP Test Scores Show How Stupid We Are… To Pay Attention to NAEP Test Scores | gadflyonthewallblog