Sunday, November 24, 2019

MURPH AND FRIENDS: 7 Ways To Bulletproof Your Teaching Career + Mistakes To Avoid When Teaching Writing To Kids - Teacher Habits

7 Ways To Bulletproof Your Teaching Career - Teacher Habits

7 Ways To Bulletproof Your Teaching Career

Many teachers I know live with fear. They fear failing their students. They fear angering vocal parents. They fear the judgment of their colleagues. But above all, many teachers fear a poor evaluation from an administrator that leads to the loss of their job and puts their teaching career in jeopardy.
This fear is why so many teachers are nervous when their principal walks in the room. It’s why they can’t sleep the night before an observation. It’s why they keep a close eye on the economy, state funding, and the financial health of their district. And it’s why so many teachers are afraid to speak up about harmful policies, unrealistic expectations, the misuse of data, and systemic exploitation.
Teachers can never fully bulletproof their careers. Because we work for a government entity that receives funding from the state, we’ll always be at the mercy of recessions and budget cuts. Because we work for other people, we’ll always be vulnerable to petty tyrants, budget-slashing Superintendents, and office politics. Still, there are simple things teachers can do to protect themselves from poor evaluations, dismissals, and layoffs. Here are seven things every teacher can do to make their career as bulletproof as possible.

1. Provide Uncommon Value

You don’t need to sign up for every committee and attend every after-school event to ensure that your principal values you enough that you’re never vulnerable to layoff. You don’t need to be a yes-man or a suck-up. But if you want to bulletproof your career, you should stand CONTINUE READING: 7 Ways To Bulletproof Your Teaching Career - Teacher Habits

Mistakes To Avoid When Teaching Writing To Kids - Teacher Habits - via @Teacher_Habits

How Teachers Can Use Video Games in School - Teacher Habits - via @Teacher_Habits