Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving: A Meditation on Religious Liberty, | Diane Ravitch's blog

Happy Thanksgiving: A Meditation on Religious Liberty, | Diane Ravitch's blog

Happy Thanksgiving: A Meditation on Religious Liberty

Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is a day when we pause and give thanks to whatever deity we worship (or not) for the blessings we enjoy: our freedom, our family, our friends, and our good fortune to live in a democracy where we are all responsible for making it better for our brothers and sisters.
I want to share with you a profound speech delivered by our good friend Rev. Dr. Charles Foster Johnson about religious liberty and the public schools and the future of our democracy.
Charlie Johnson is the founder and leader of Pastors for Texas Children. PTC has led the fight against vouchers in Texas and has helped like-minded religious leaders in other states form their own organizations to support religious liberty and public schools. I never expected, at this late chapter in my life, to discover that I have a dear friend who is a Baptist minister in my home state of Texas. I admire his courage, his intellect, and his passion for the common good. Needless to say, he is on the honor roll of this blog, and I name him as a hero of the Resistance in my forthcoming book Slaying Goliath. I can’t think of a better way for you to spend a few free CONTINUE READING:  Happy Thanksgiving: A Meditation on Religious Liberty, | Diane Ravitch's blog