Sunday, November 17, 2019

Eric Blanc: Why Little Rock Teachers Went on Strike | Diane Ravitch's blog

Eric Blanc: Why Little Rock Teachers Went on Strike | Diane Ravitch's blog

Eric Blanc: Why Little Rock Teachers Went on Strike

If you want to understand what is happening in the Little Rock school District today, read Eric Blanc’s article. 
Eric Blanc has covered every one of the teachers’ strikes since the West Virginia strike in the spring of 2018. Now he is in Little Rock, where he interviewed teachers who went on strike yesterday to protest the State Board of Education’s heavy-handed control of the district and its decision to strip school employees of collective bargaining rights.
Teachers are outraged that the State Board of Education, which took control of the district in 2015, utterly failed to improve student outcomes, yet refuses to relinquish control to a democratically elected board. Teachers believe that the state wants to resegregate the district.
Blanc writes:
Little Rock teachers today are not demanding raises for themselves, but an end to the state’s push to resegregate schools, its takeover of their district, its decertification of their union, and its disrespect for school support staff. As second grade teacher Jenni White explains, “this is CONTINUE READING: Eric Blanc: Why Little Rock Teachers Went on Strike | Diane Ravitch's blog