Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tim Jackson: Why Little Rock Parents Cannot Trust Arkansas’ Governor or State Board | Diane Ravitch's blog

Tim Jackson: Why Little Rock Parents Cannot Trust Arkansas’ Governor or State Board | Diane Ravitch's blog

Tim Jackson: Why Little Rock Parents Cannot Trust Arkansas’ Governor or State Board 

Tim Jackson is a parent with children in the Little Rock School District and an active member of Grassroots Arkansas, which has been fighting for the restoration of democratic control of the LRSD public schools. He is also a film-maker. He attended the state school board meeting that theoretically restored local control.
He wrote this account:
Yesterday’s meeting of the Arkansas State Board of Education was another exercise in futility for the true stakeholders in the Little Rock School District. Don’t believe the headlines that local control of the district has been returned or will be retuned anytime soon to an elected school board. All the State Board did yesterday was trash an ill conceived and inequitable framework for reconstituting the district that it announced last month but could not sustain in the face of political and public opinion headwinds.
Board Chairman Diane Zook made it clear – much to the chagrin of Board members who were trying to appear conciliatory – that nothing changed yesterday. And Zook has no intention for things to change until the District is recreated in the image of the prevailing “business knows best” education model that bedevils American public education. As if American public education needed CONTINUE READING: Tim Jackson: Why Little Rock Parents Cannot Trust Arkansas’ Governor or State Board | Diane Ravitch's blog