Thursday, October 10, 2019

The California Charter School Association Purposefully Puts Students In Danger

The California Charter School Association Purposefully Puts Students In Danger

The California Charter School Association Purposefully Puts Students In Danger

Whenever legislative bodies attempt to force accountability on the charter school industry, the California Charter School Association (CCSA) cries “#KidsNotPolitics.” However, while claiming to put Kids First, there are CCSA charters that are among the worst-performing schools in the state. One of their member schools was caught violating the state labor code and illegally charging students to attend summer school. Still another engaged in construction practices so flagrant that the results endangered “the health and safety of students”. According to a recent KCBS News report, there are hundreds of charter school facilities that do not have to comply with the Field Act, the law that ensures that school buildings are safe during an earthquake.
As shown in documents uncovered by Michael Kohlhaas dot org, the CCSA feels that one of the “greatest threats” that they face is requiring that their schools “comply with [the] Field Act.
So much for Kids First.

After 230 schools collapsed during the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, the state of California passed the Field Act, “which mandated rigorous oversight of the construction of every public school to ensure they’re safe.” As a result, California schools “are the safest buildings in the world.” Southern CONTINUE READING: The California Charter School Association Purposefully Puts Students In Danger