Monday, October 21, 2019

Seattle Educators Endorse Liza, Molly, & Chandra for School Board – I AM AN EDUCATOR

Seattle Educators Endorse Liza, Molly, & Chandra for School Board – I AM AN EDUCATOR

Seattle Educators Endorse Liza, Molly, & Chandra for School Board

Seattle Educators Endorse Liza, Molly, & Chandra School Board
Both the Seattle Education Association–the union representing some 5,000 educators in Seattle–and the Social Equity Educators–the social justice rank-and-file caucus–have endorsed a bold and committed slate of candidates for the November 5th School board election.
Molly Mitchell, Liza Rankin, and Chandra Hampson, are longtime community education advocates and all have powerful rerecords of being in the struggle against institutional racism and for equitable schools.
I have had powerful conversations with Molly and Chandra about their vision for opposing corporate education reform, combating institutional racism, and fighting for the schools our children deserve.
I have worked closely with Liza Rankin for many years, ever since she launched the groundbreaking initiative during the 2015 Seattle educator strike, “Soup for Teachers.” Soup for Teachers organized parents to deliver food to the picket-lines at every school in Seattle. This was a vital demonstration of parent solidarity with the strike that was crucial to the success of the strike. That strike resulted in the expansion of the racial equity teams into dozens more buildings around Seattle–something Liza believes deeply in.
Since then she has been an unyielding advocate against the abuses of high-stakes standardized testing, school privatization, and a strong ally in the Black Lives Matter at School movement.
We have a real opportunity to advance the struggle for social justice in the schools by electing this slate of educational leaders.
Below is an expert of the Social Equity Educator newsletter that republished the candidate’s statements CONTINUE READING: Seattle Educators Endorse Liza, Molly, & Chandra for School Board – I AM AN EDUCATOR