Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Rhode Island: Governor Gina Raimondo’s Plan to Demolish Public Education in Providence | Diane Ravitch's blog

Rhode Island: Governor Gina Raimondo’s Plan to Demolish Public Education in Providence | Diane Ravitch's blog

Rhode Island: Governor Gina Raimondo’s Plan to Demolish Public Education in Providence

Andrew Stewart recounts the alarming plans that Governor Gina Raimondo has in store for Providence public schools. She is a former venture capitalist who seems to have an instinctive suspicion of the public sector. What she has in mind, he says, is the planned demolition of the public schools.
He writes:
Someday, after the operatic cycle of Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo’s political career has reached its concluding note, it will be a masterpiece of neoliberal assault upon the public sector, the commons, and the fabric of the welfare state in America to behold. It is absolutely essential, in order for the faculty and the students of Providence to fight back and win in this contest, to form a broad-based coalition that is centered on the success of students and dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline.
Right now, a multi-year media narrative, assembled by allegedly-liberal local news outlets, is being utilized in CONTINUE READING: Rhode Island: Governor Gina Raimondo’s Plan to Demolish Public Education in Providence | Diane Ravitch's blog