Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA | VAMboozled!

Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA | VAMboozled!

Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA
Image result for Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA

One of my doctoral students — Kevin Close, one of my former doctoral students — Clarin Collins, and I just had a study published in the practitioner journal Phi Delta Kappan that I wanted to share out with all of you, especially before the study is no longer open-access or free (see the full article as currently available here). As the title of this post (which is the same as the title of the article) indicates, the study is about research the three of us conducted, by surveying every state (or interviewing leaders at every state’s department of education), about how each state’s changed their teacher evaluation systems post the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
In short, we found states have reduced their use of growth or value-added models (VAMs) within their teacher evaluation systems. In addition, states that are still using such models are using them in much less consequential ways, while many states are CONTINUE READING: Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA | VAMboozled!
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Image result for Mapping America’s Teacher Evaluation Plans Under ESSA