Thursday, October 10, 2019

Los Angeles: School Board Committee Rejects Plan to Give Schools a Single Grade | Diane Ravitch's blog

Los Angeles: School Board Committee Rejects Plan to Give Schools a Single Grade | Diane Ravitch's blog

Los Angeles: School Board Committee Rejects Plan to Give Schools a Single Grade

The Resistance won a big victory in Los Angeles.
The idea of grading schools with a single letter was first hatched by Jeb Bush, in his relentless push to impose test-based accountability on every public school in Florida and to set up those with the worst grades to be privatized.
Several states have adopted the Jeb Bush plan, and in every case, the letter grade was a reliable proxy for students’ family income. The schools where poor students predominated received the lowest grades and were fair game for the charter industry.
Jackie Goldberg has a long history as a teacher, school board member, and state legislator, and she strongly opposed the plan.
Nick Melvoin, who was elected with the help of millions of dollars contributed by Eli Broad and other friends of the charter lobby, proposed the plan.
The Los Angeles Unified school board’s Curriculum and Instruction Committee approved a resolution introduced by board member Jackie Goldberg that calls for the district to suspend implementation of “any use of stars, scores, or any other rating system” for its schools. 
The committee’s action includes a shift in support by CONTINUE READING: Los Angeles: School Board Committee Rejects Plan to Give Schools a Single Grade | Diane Ravitch's blog