Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kentucky: Don’t Be Fooled! Charters and Vouchers Harm Children. | Diane Ravitch's blog

Kentucky: Don’t Be Fooled! Charters and Vouchers Harm Children. | Diane Ravitch's blog

Kentucky: Don’t Be Fooled! Charters and Vouchers Harm Children

Rev. Sharon Felton, coordinator of Pastors for Kentucky Children, warns parents and other members of the public not to be fooled by the rhetoric. Charters, vouchers, and tax credits are not good for children, and they drain resources from the public schools that educate most children.
She writes:
Educating our children is the most important thing we do in the commonwealth. Educating all of our children no matter their family’s economic status, their address, the color of their skin, is so critical to our society and our future that our constitution requires it!
Section 183 of the Kentucky Constitution states, “The General Assembly shall, by appropriate legislation, provide for an efficient system of common schools throughout the State.”
People are pouring money and rhetoric into our state to convince us all that privatization, school choice, scholarship tax credits (vouchers), and charter schools CONTINUE READING: Kentucky: Don’t Be Fooled! Charters and Vouchers Harm Children. | Diane Ravitch's blog