Friday, October 4, 2019

NANCY BAILEY: It’s Time to Erase Harmful, Recycled Education Policy!

It’s Time to Erase Harmful, Recycled Education Policy!

It’s Time to Erase Harmful, Recycled Education Policy!

Serious education issues in public schools are recycled because the ulterior motive of some is to end public education. Research is repeatedly ignored. Why are school administrators clueless? How is it that legislators repeatedly recreate policy we know is harmful for students? Each heading contains a link to proof.
End Retention. Research is clear that retained students might appear to improve at first, but they fall back into a cycle of failure. The connection between retention and dropping out is real. So why is Alabama signing on to third grade retention? Not only should they drop it like a hot potato, states like Michigan and Florida should end it too. There are other ways to help children catch up, like looping and multi-level class placement. Schools need to be creatively responsive to students with what works. If schools weren’t ruled with an iron fist, teachers could do this.
End huge class sizes. All classes don’t need to be lowered, like P.E. and band. But early elementary classes where children are learning to read would be better smaller. Middle and high school classes where teachers can better get to know students would benefit by having smaller numbers.
End homework/busywork. Even our youngest students spend hours on busy work. Teachers should ease up. They are promoting unproven accountability measures.
Denying recess is detrimental . Like retention, the amount of research in favor of CONTINUE READING: It’s Time to Erase Harmful, Recycled Education Policy!