Friday, October 11, 2019

“Education Deans for Justice and Equity” Speak Out Against Market-Based Disruption | Diane Ravitch's blog

“Education Deans for Justice and Equity” Speak Out Against Market-Based Disruption | Diane Ravitch's blog

“Education Deans for Justice and Equity” Speak Out Against Market-Based Disruption

At last! The leaders of 350 teacher education programs have issued a bold statement in collaboration with the National Education Policy Center denouncing attacks on teacher education and market-based “remedies.”
The group calls itself Education Deans for Justice and Equity.
Their efforts contrast with those of a group called “Deans for Impact,” funded in 2015 by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, which supports charter schools (such as KIPP, Achievement First, and Uncommon Schools), Teach for America, Educators for Excellence, New Leaders, TNTP, Conservative Leaders for Education, Teach Plus, Stand for Children, and a long list of other Corporate Reform ventures. Deans for Impact has 24 members. The founder and executive director of Deans for Impact is Benjamin Riley, former director of policy and advocacy at the NewSchools Venture Fund, which is heavily endowed by billionaire foundations to launch charter schools and promote education technology.
The statement of Education Deans for Justice and Equity criticizes such disruption agents as Teach for America (which places inexperienced, unprepared college CONTINUE READING: “Education Deans for Justice and Equity” Speak Out Against Market-Based Disruption | Diane Ravitch's blog