Wednesday, October 16, 2019

DeVos to Judge: “Don’t Lock Me Up” | Diane Ravitch's blog

DeVos to Judge: “Don’t Lock Me Up” | Diane Ravitch's blog

DeVos to Judge: “Don’t Lock Me Up”

Politico reports that the Trump administration is apologizing profusely for hounding students whose loans for attending the predatory (now closed) Corinthian Colleges should have been forgiven. The judge in the case had threatened to punish Betsy DeVos for violating her court order. This is a case of “accountability for thee, but not for me.”
MAKING THE CASE AGAINST CONTEMPT FINDING: The Trump administration, in a court filing on Tuesday night, outlined why the Education Department and DeVos shouldn’t be held in contempt or face fines for violating U.S. Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim’s May 2018 order to stop collecting the student loans of former Corinthian Colleges students.
— Justice Department attorneys wrote that the Education Department “has been working diligently and in good faith to correct the errors” that led to the agency collecting on the student loans of thousands of borrowers despite the order. Kim is now deciding whether to hold the department and DeVos in contempt and CONTINUE READING: DeVos to Judge: “Don’t Lock Me Up” | Diane Ravitch's blog