Saturday, October 26, 2019

Charter Schools Cherry Pick Students & Call it Choice – PART 2: The “EVERYONE’S DOING IT!” Excuse | gadflyonthewallblog

Charter Schools Cherry Pick Students & Call it Choice – PART 2: The “EVERYONE’S DOING IT!” Excuse | gadflyonthewallblog

Charter Schools Cherry Pick Students & Call it Choice – PART 2: The “EVERYONE’S DOING IT!” Excuse
“Got school choice?” asks a charter school supporter.
But who exactly is she addressing – families or charter school operators?
Because it is the later group who is offered choice by school privatization – not parents, families or students.
Billionaire investors and charter school managers answer, “Heck yeah – we’ve got school choice! We get to choose to take your tax dollars but not your child!”
These institutions are funded by tax dollars but privately managed – and the private interests who run them get to decide how to spend that money with little oversight or strings attached. As businesses, they can increase their bottom line by letting in only the easiest kids to teach.
This is not opinion. It is fact.
Admittedly, every single charter school in the country is not guilty of this crime. Yet CONTINUE READING: Charter Schools Cherry Pick Students & Call it Choice – PART 2: The “EVERYONE’S DOING IT!” Excuse | gadflyonthewallblog