Friday, September 20, 2019

Why Teachers Need to Incorporate More Physical Activity Into Their Lesson Plans - Teacher Habits

Why Teachers Need to Incorporate More Physical Activity Into Their Lesson Plans - Teacher Habits

Why Teachers Need to Incorporate More Physical Activity Into Their Lesson Plans

Finding a balance in the classroom can be difficult. Incorporating time for grammar, nutrition, mathematics, science, technology, and a plethora of other subjects is already hard all on its own. As if that wasn’t challenging enough, though, covering so many subjects without turning your class into a horde of zombie-children in the process can feel impossible. The lack of focus and increased levels of pent up energy that come with hours of trying to sit still and listen can be difficult to contain.
That’s where good old physical activity comes into play. It may be a simple concept, but the idea of incorporating exercise into the classroom is a critical ingredient for education success. 

Why Physical Activity Matters

Physical activity is a necessary part of life. The act of moving around, stretching your legs and getting your heart pumping faster should be intimately integrated into a long day in the classroom. 
We live in an era where the general lack of physical health isn’t just a concern, it’s an epidemic. Over a third of American adults are obese at CONTINUE READING: Why Teachers Need to Incorporate More Physical Activity Into Their Lesson Plans - Teacher Habits