Saturday, September 14, 2019

THIS WEEK Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Millions more American children are attending school with students of other races, even as many urban schools remain deeply segregated

The number of children attending U.S. public schools with students of other races has nearly doubled over the past quarter century, a little-noticed surge that reflects the nation’s shifting demographics, a Washington Post analysis has found. At the same time, children in most big cities and many suburbs remain locked in deeply segregated districts, with black students more likely to be enrolled
'Nudging' Helps STEM Students at 2-Year Colleges

The purpose of this implementation report is to help community college leaders, foundations, and public education policymakers understand the impact that nudges have on student success, especially for students from populations that typically have low rates of college completion. The promising results of the NTSS initiative reflect the opportunities that nudging offers, and they have important imp

SEP 11

2019 State of Computer Science Education

The Computer Science Teachers Association. along with and the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance , a National Science Foundation Broadening Participation in Computing funded Alliance, has released the report. The report describes the policy trends and momentum over the past 12 months and contains: an analysis of national and state trends in AP CS by gender and race,
More Than One in Four Students Attend Schools with High or Extreme Levels of Chronic Absence

This report describes how chronic absence and conditions for learning are interconnected issues that can have an impact on a child's educational success. The report identifies specific conditions for learning that can improve school experiences for students and staff and help reduce absenteeism and improve academic outcomes. It includes brief case studies from the state of Georgia and the Clevela
Education at a Glance 2019

Education at a Gla nce is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances and performance of education systems across OECD countries and a number of partner economies. More than 100 charts and tables in this publication – as well as links to much more available on the educational database – provides key information o
Adolescents with high levels of physical activity perform better in school over two years

Adolescents with higher levels of physical activity performed better in school during transition from primary school to lower secondary school than their physically inactive peers, a new study from Finland shows. However, the researchers, from the University of Jyväskylä, found that increased physical activity did not necessarily result in improved academic performance. Previous cross-sectional s
Time spent using social media associated with mental health problems among adolescents

Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day using social media may be at higher risk for mental health problems. This observational study included a nationally representative sample of nearly 6,600 U.S. adolescents (ages 12-15) who reported time spent on social media during a typical day and who reported information about mental health problems. After accounting for factors including a hist

SEP 10

Education Policy Responses to the Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis is a top priority issue we continue to hear about and research. While most of the policy action taken related to the crisis has been in the health sector, state education leaders are looking for ways to address the direct and indirect implications on students through policy action. explores the connection between education policy and the opioid crisis, provides examples of rece
Career and Technical Education by Locale

Public high school graduates from towns and rural areas earn more credits in career and technical education (CTE) than do graduates from cities and suburban areas. The National Center for Education Statistics Data Point, Career and Technical Education Coursetaking in 2013, by Locale , examines CTE coursetaking among public school graduates from city, suburban, town, and rural high schools. In six

SEP 09

Strong student-adult relationships lower suicide attempts in high schools

High schools where students are more connected to peers and adult staff, and share strong relationships with the same adults, have lower rates of suicide attempts, according to a new study published by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The study, "Peer-adult network structure and suicide attempts in 38 high schools: implications for network-informed suicide prevention," surveyed 10,
How Much Should We Rely on Student Test Achievement as a Measure of Success?

The use of test scores as a performance measure in high-stakes educational accountability has become increasingly popular since the enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), which imposed sanctions such as the threat of losing federal funds unless a state implemented a school accountability system that measures student progress continuously. Since then, many in the education commu
Postsecondary Education and Employment Pathways of High School Graduates

A new REL Midwest study examined the postsecondary education and employment pathways of Minnesota public high school graduates. The study examined differences in postsecondary pathways, college certificate and degree attainment, and employment outcomes for students with different characteristics and from rural and nonrural high schools. Key findings include: Within one year of graduation, 92 perc

SEP 06

Analyzing Youth Civic Writing Within the 2016 Letters to the Next President Project

This article investigates the civic writing practices of more than 11,000 students writing letters to the next president in the lead up to the 2016 U.S. election. The authors analyze how letter topics are associated with socioeconomic factors and reveal that 43 topics—including ones prevalent among students such as immigration, guns, and school costs—were significantly associated with socioeconom
Teachers are not being provided with the knowledge and evidence to make their teaching truly effective.

Complete report Scientists know a lot about effective learning and teaching. In the past several decades, cognitive psychologists and other learning researchers have performed thousands of studies on effective learning and teaching practices. In some cases, research findings have gone against conventional wisdom or common practice. For example, varied practice (in terms of the variety of problems
Research on the Leadership of Black Women Principals: Implications for Black Students

This exploratory review considers research on Black women principals for the period 1993 to 2017, using 57 research reports obtained from dissertations, journal articles, and a book chapter. This exploration is of particular significance given the continuous disenfranchisement and subsequent underachievement of Black children in U.S. schools and the importance of black women principals in address

SEP 05

Students who do not date are not social misfits

Prior research identified four distinct dating trajectories from 6th to 12th grade: Low , Increasing , High Middle School , and Frequent . In a new study published in the Journal of School Health , researchers found that adolescents who were not in a romantic relationship had good social skills and low depression, and fared better or equal to peers who dated. The study included 594 10th graders.
Exposure to multiple languages may make it easier to learn one

Learning a new language is a multi-step, often multi-year process: Listen to new sounds, read new word structures, speak in different patterns or inflections. But the chances of picking up that new language -- even unintentionally -- may be better if you're exposed to a variety of languages, not just your native tongue. A new study from the University of Washington finds that, based on brain acti
Financial education programs, income-based repayment plans promote prosperity

Young adults with student loans who participate in financial education programs become better financial managers who are able to build their personal wealth after college, researchers at the University of Illinois found in a recent study. Social work professor Min Zhan and graduate student Gaurav Sinha analyzed data on 1,924 young adults in the U.S. to explore which factors helped those with stud
Students in 'active learning' classrooms learn more than they think

For decades, there has been evidence that active learning - classroom techniques designed to get students to participate in the learning process - produces better educational outcomes for students at virtually all levels. And a new Harvard study suggests it may be important to let students know it. The study, published September 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , shows tha
States’ Intervention in School Districts’ Finances

In recent years, state takeovers of local school districts have become both increasingly common and prominent. Districts including Newark, Detroit, and Harrisburg are among those that have met this fate. Each of these takeovers—as well as many state interventions of a more limited nature in districts across the country—occurs pursuant to state law. In fact, each state has one or more laws that al
Females show more sustained performance during test-taking than males

Females tend to perform worse than males on math and science tests, but they perform better on verbal reading tests. Here, by analyzing performance during a cognitive test, we provide evidence that females are better able to sustain their performance during a test across all of these topics, including math and science (study 1). This finding suggests that longer cognitive tests decrease the gende
In National Ranking of School Systems, New Jersey takes the top spot

The third and final installment of “Quality Counts 2019” offers a comprehensive report card on the nation’s K-12 system, including A-F grades and rankings for each of the states based on a wide range of academic, school finance, and socioeconomic factors. The report, based on analysis by the Education Week Research Center, sums up how well the nation and the states do on assuring bright prospects
Preparing Students for Learning, Work and Life Through STEAM Education

This Policy Brief explores new pathways to guide future practice, research and policy work to support access to STEAM education for all students.

SEP 04

School district secessions in the South have deepened racial segregation between school systems

Since 2000, school district secessions in the South have increasingly sorted white and black students, and white and Hispanic students, into separate school systems, weakening the potential to improve school integration, 

Education Research Report