Sunday, September 29, 2019

Teachers Are More Stressed Out Than You Probably Think | gadflyonthewallblog

Teachers Are More Stressed Out Than You Probably Think | gadflyonthewallblog

Teachers Are More Stressed Out Than You Probably Think

When I was just a new teacher, I remember my doctor asking me if I had a high stress job.
I said that I taught middle school, as if that answered his question. But he took it to mean that I had it easy. After all – as he put it – I just played with children all day
Now after 16 years in the classroom and a series of chronic medical conditions including heart diseaseCrohn’s Disease and a recent battle with shingles though I’m only in my 40s, he knows better.
Teaching is one of the most stressful jobs you can have.
You don’t put your life on the line in the same way the police or a soldier does. You don’t risk having a finger chopped off like someone working in a machine shop. You don’t even have to worry like a truck driver about falling asleep and drifting off the road.
But you do work a ridiculous amount of hours per day. You lose time with family, children and friends. And no matter how hard you work, you’re given next to no resources to get it done with, your autonomy is stripped away, you’re given CONTINUE READING: Teachers Are More Stressed Out Than You Probably Think | gadflyonthewallblog