Sunday, September 1, 2019

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Singin' in the Acid Rain

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Singin' in the Acid Rain

Singin' in the Acid Rain

To start off the new school year, a very funny article that sends up both our planet's pending environmental problems with overly involved parents.  From the New Yorker, Singin' in the Acid Rain.

As we prepare for our end-of-term barbecue, a few of you have asked whether the event will be cancelled because Thursday’s forecast calls for increased yuckiness. No way! Didn’t we learn in October that when life gives you wildfires, make s’mores?

Hey, I hope everyone is psyched for our year-end field trip to the Newest Jersey Hot Springs, which used to be the Delaware Cold Springs, which used to be the Rain Forest and, before that, the island formerly known as Prince Edward. We still have not heard from many of you about whether you’d like to CONTINUE READING: 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Singin' in the Acid Rain