Saturday, September 14, 2019

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gun Control Now

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gun Control Now

Gun Control Now

Moms Demand Action is a group doing great work.

To note from the New York Times - 

‘Simply Unacceptable’: Executives Demand Senate Action on Gun Violence

In a direct and urgent call to address gun violence in America, the chief executives of some of the nation’s best-known companies sent a letter to Senate leaders on Thursday, urging an expansion of background checks to all firearms sales and stronger “red flag” laws. 

“Doing nothing about America’s gun violence crisis is simply unacceptable and it is time to stand with the American public on gun safety,” the heads of nearly 150 companies, including Levi Strauss, Twitter and Uber, say in the letter, which was shared with The New York Times.

The letter — which urges the Republican-controlled Senate to enact bills already introduced in the Democrat-led House of Representatives — is the most concerted effort by the business community to enter the gun debate, one of the most polarizing issues in the nation and one that was long considered off limits.
Who didn't sign?

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook did not sign, although he told colleagues and peers that he agreed with stricter background CONTINUE READING: Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gun Control Now