Thursday, September 5, 2019

Push for single rating of LA schools challenges state’s multi-dimensional accountability system | EdSource

Push for single rating of LA schools challenges state’s multi-dimensional accountability system | EdSource

Push for single rating of LA schools challenges state's multi-dimensional accountability system

There is a deeply rooted impulse in American society — perhaps any society — to rank everything from restaurants and refrigerators to athletes and colleges.
That may help explain why pressures continue in California to rank its schools based on a single score of some kind, despite a major thrust in the state to move in the opposite direction.
Great Schools, the hugely popular parent-oriented website, has combined several indicators to come up with score between 1 and 10 for every school in the state.

Another notable push is coming from Los Angeles, where the state’s largest school district has been working over the past year on a plan to rank schools on a numerical 1-to-5 scale, a number that would be reached by combining students’ improvement on test scores and other factors.
Underscoring the complexity and volatility of the issue, this week newly elected school board member Jackie Goldberg introduced a harshly critical resolution effectively calling on the district to abandon the idea in its current form. Among other CONTINUE READING: Push for single rating of LA schools challenges state’s multi-dimensional accountability system | EdSource