Saturday, September 28, 2019

Little Rock: Activists Demand a Meeting with Governor Hutchinson | Diane Ravitch's blog

Little Rock: Activists Demand a Meeting with Governor Hutchinson | Diane Ravitch's blog

Little Rock: Activists Demand a Meeting with Governor Hutchinson

Parents and supporters of public schools in Little Rock are outraged that Governor Asa Hutchinson refuses to meet with them. The state took control of the Little Rock district, and parents want democratic decision making restored. Remember when Republicans used to support local control? Not anymore.
Rev/Dr. Anika Whitfield write to the Governor on behalf of a large coalition of parents.
Gov. Hutchinson, 
As you may have heard at our rally on September 25, 2019, to fulfill the legacy of the Little Rock Nine to obtain a world class equitable education for students currently being denied by discrimination and state laws, and to #ReclaimLRSD in total with a locally elected school board, we demanded a meeting with you.
The organizers of the Support OUR LRSD coalition, a coalition of parents/guardians, students, alumni, community activists and supporters, faith leaders, volunteers in the LRSD, teachers, educators, retired teachers, and LRSD business leaders and faith leaders and communities need to speak with you about the fate of our beloved LRSD. 
You have been talking at us, and not with us. You and your appointed board and CONTINUE READING: Little Rock: Activists Demand a Meeting with Governor Hutchinson | Diane Ravitch's blog