Wednesday, September 25, 2019

“Let the Children Play” is Developmentally Appropriate Education | tultican

“Let the Children Play” is Developmentally Appropriate Education | tultican

“Let the Children Play” is Developmentally Appropriate Education

By T. Ultican 9/25/2019
Two education experts and fathers have issued a clarion call to “Let the Children Play.” Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle co-authored Let the Children Play: How More Play Will Save Our Schools and Help Children Thrive. These two fathers with young children were both shocked by the education system they found when the American scholar Doyle took his family to Finland and Finland’s Education Director General, Sahlberg, brought his family to the United states. Their book is a tour de force about play practices globally and the research supporting the developmental need for children to play.
The authors document the stunning reduction in authentic outdoor self-directed play children in the United States and around the world are experiencing. They share a large amount of scholarly data indicating what a big mistake it is to reduce recess and they identify the Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) as the cause for that policy error. Doyle and Sahlberg report on the amazing results both physically and academically being reported from diverse schools worldwide that have reintroduced significant authentic play. The book concludes with statements from 27 education scholars from Asia to Europe about the importance of high-quality play to human development.
Let The Children Play_0002
The Authors as Depicted on the Book Cover
In 2015 when William Doyle arrived in Finland as a visiting scholar with his wife and seven-year-old son, he found a school system that sent their children outside for 15-minutes every hour to participate in self-directed play. They sent children outside even when the temperature is as low as 5° Fahrenheit below which they stay inside to play. He shares that one day while watching children go to lunch CONTINUE READING: “Let the Children Play” is Developmentally Appropriate Education | tultican