Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lee P. Barrios - Geaux Teacher! #ElectLeeBarrios

Geaux Teacher!

Lee P. Barrios - Geaux Teacher!

This blog represents seven years of following and researching Louisiana education reform since the years of my retirement in 2010.  

I have devoted the last two years to full-time public education advocacy and using Facebook for my daily posting in an effort to keep teachers, parents and the public updated on literally the daily changes in public education in Louisiana and throughout the United States.  

I occasionally look back and my posts and notice that my perspective has not changed because the information I share is research-backed and accurate.  

I am working full time until October 12 this year attempting for the third time to defeat the incumbent who fully backs the record policies of our unqualified and Teach for America alum State Superintendent John White.  When elected, my first action will be to move for his replacement!  I ran against the same incumbent in 2011 and 2015.  I have what you call grit and determination!

If you wish to see my position, you will get a good idea by reviewing my previous posts. And please take the opportunity to READ - LIKE - SHARE my posts on Facebook:  ElectLeeBarrios and Lee P. Barrios -  


Geaux Teacher!