Monday, September 30, 2019

John Thompson: Can Online Learning Survive the Profiteers and Frauds? | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Thompson: Can Online Learning Survive the Profiteers and Frauds? | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Thompson: Can Online Learning Survive the Profiteers and Frauds?

John Thompson is a historians and recently retired teacher in Oklahoma.
For more than two decades I’ve mourned the loss of opportunities for online instruction to augment and enhance student learning, as opposed enabling a Social Darwinian competition where charters attack traditional public schools. Educators seeking meaningful choices, such as real personalized learning, have been shackled by the need to fight back against “choice” advocate, as well as their spin, claiming to offer “personalized” instruction, measured by impersonal test score metrics.
Above all, I’ve been saddened by the way that beaten-down educators have often been bogged down in a defensive war against test-driven, competition-driven reformers. In order to survive the charter assaults armed with bogus test scores, too many schools merely complied with the corporate reformers’ mandates. In doing so, they robbed the students of the opportunity to be taught and to learn how to make the real choices that can guide them to lifelong learning.
This year’s Oklahoma legislature’s Common Education Committee Interim Studies are revealing a new, brave, and worthy campaign for holistic instruction. Almost all of the legislators who attend these hearings are former educators. Even though the committee avoids mentioning the unfolding Epic virtual charter school scandal, their CONTINUE READING: John Thompson: Can Online Learning Survive the Profiteers and Frauds? | Diane Ravitch's blog