Saturday, August 17, 2019

With a new school year underway: Reinvesting in teachers is the best way to fix public education | TheHill

With a new school year underway: Reinvesting in teachers is the best way to fix public education | TheHill

With a new school year underway: Reinvesting in teachers is the best way to fix public education

As a young girl attending Los Angeles Unified public schools, I distinctly remember a favorite teacher telling our class at times that she had to miss a day of school to take her own classes to learn how to be a better teacher. Even as a small child, nothing could make more sense.
Unfortunately, that level of investment in our teachers has declined. Teachers are no longer getting the training and professional development they need. That is simply unacceptable.
As students prepare to return for another school year, there are some ways to help our teachers immediately. The House of Representatives just passed a bill providing $25 million to support teacher professional development, which comes through the Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant program. I’m calling for the Senate to do the same, and for President Trump to sign the bill. But we can and must do more.
Some aspects of education policy can be partisan and contentious, but not this. Through both red and blue lenses, it is clear that our society is not living up to our end of the bargain we make with those who educate our children. And the consequences are damaging to generations of our children.
I have been in business for decades and have seen firsthand how technology has leveled the playing field between countries. Our kids have to be able to compete against those from around the world in the economy of today and the future, which increasingly requires advanced skills. Even more importantly, with the rise of anti-democratic movements CONTINUE READING: With a new school year underway: Reinvesting in teachers is the best way to fix public education | TheHill