Saturday, August 17, 2019

With A Brooklyn Accent: A Time For Heroism

With A Brooklyn Accent: A Time For Heroism

A Time For Heroism

There are historical moments when ordinary people are called upon to be heroes. This is one of them. It will require heroism to protect our most vulnerable people, who face the daunting prospect of being attacked by racist neighbors as well as the government. 

Will you be a hero?  Will you hear the cries of pain of those under attack?

The future of the nation depends on your answer

To respond to this challenge a group of educators around the nation have created a new organization that allows people to identify themselves as anti racist fighters who will come the defense of people under attack in their communities, workplaces, and schools. The organization is called NARA -the National Anti Racism Alliance 

Here’s the link for joining 

Be a hero!  Your neighbors and friends will thank you!