Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Lamp is broken; the Golden Door is closed | Live Long and Prosper

The Lamp is broken; the Golden Door is closed | Live Long and Prosper

The Lamp is broken; the Golden Door is closed

The current acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services made the news on Tuesday…
On Tuesday, Mr Cuccinelli was asked by NPR whether the 1883 poem titled The New Colossus at the Statue of Liberty on New York’s Ellis Island still applied.

“Would you also agree that Emma Lazarus’s words etched on the Statue of Liberty, ‘Give me your tired, give me your poor,’ are also a part of the American ethos?” asked NPR’s Rachel Martin.

“They certainly are,” Mr Cuccinelli responded. “Give me your tired and your poor – who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.”
Those of us who are familiar with the poem, and the history it embodies, know that the actual words are a bit different. There are no strings attached to coming to America and Cuccinelli, no matter what his “acting” title, can’t change that. While it’s not the law of the land, Emma Lazarus’s poem has been part of what Rachel Martin called the “American ethos” for more than a century.
The Democratic led House Homeland Security Committee condemned Mr  CONTINUE READING: The Lamp is broken; the Golden Door is closed | Live Long and Prosper