Saturday, August 10, 2019

Stop Blaming Teachers For Cruddy Systems - Teacher Habits

Stop Blaming Teachers For Cruddy Systems - Teacher Habits

Stop Blaming Teachers For Cruddy Systems

We are surrounded by systems. A heating and cooling system is right now controlling the temperature of your house. An operating system controls the device you’re staring at. Should you buy something online, you’ll be at the mercy of a web site’s checkout system. If you leave the house, you’ll either enter your city’s traffic system or take advantage of its public transportation system. Go to Starbucks and you’ll encounter a new system. McDonald’s, a different system. Should you need to visit a doctor or dentist, you’ll be pushed into yet more systems. And when you return home tonight and want nothing more than to lie on your couch to watch a movie, you’ll need to navigate Netflix’s, or Prime Video’s, or your local Family Video’s system to do so.
We appreciate some systems and are annoyed by others. I like Pandora Music’s system; hit a button and it does the rest for me. I like my employer’s direct deposit system. My car is full of helpful and easy to use systems. On the other hand, if I could, I would forever avoid America’s tax and health care systems, and I only visit the Department of Motor Vehicles when there’s no other choice, and only then when I think there will be no other people there (which is never, in case you’re CONTINUE READING: Stop Blaming Teachers For Cruddy Systems - Teacher Habits