Sunday, August 4, 2019

Schools Matter: If #LAUSD's Nick Melvoin did engage in acts of moral turpitude…

Schools Matter: If #LAUSD's Nick Melvoin did engage in acts of moral turpitude…

If #LAUSD's Nick Melvoin did engage in acts of moral turpitude…

The esteemed Professor Diane Ravitch wrote about one of the newest revelations on the Michael Kolhaas dot org website. She writes:
"He says that [Nick] Melvoin as a member of the board was privy to the LAUSD legal strategy in its perennial struggle with the charter lobby. He says that Melvoin shared this strategy with the charter lobby."
This is very serious.

I don’t have time to look into this closely, but if this Nick Melvoin—an attorney—was sharing confidential information with the opposing party in litigation, then he has likely violated a number of The State Bar of California’s Rules of Professional Conduct. At issue are several parts of Rule 8.4 Misconduct (e.g. 8.4(a), 8.4(c), 8.4(e)), Rule 1.11, and others—particularly those governing conflicts of interest and the duties of honesty and candor.
Crooked Nick Melvoin of LAUSD
I strongly encourage people to visit How to File a Complaint Against an Attorney on The State Bar of California’s CONTINUE READING: Schools Matter: If #LAUSD's Nick Melvoin did engage in acts of moral turpitude…