Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Peter Greene: 'Tired Of Being Treated Like Dirt' Teacher Morale In The 2019 PDK Poll

'Tired Of Being Treated Like Dirt' Teacher Morale In The 2019 PDK Poll

'Tired Of Being Treated Like Dirt' Teacher Morale In The 2019 PDK Poll
The title of the 2019 Phi Delta Kappa Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools of "Frustration in the Schools," and the focus in much of the coverage has been on the results about teacher morale.
75% of teachers say schools in their community are underfunded.
50% of teachers have considered leaving the profession.
48% of teachers feel less valued by the community. (10% say they are valued "a great deal.")
55% of teachers would not want their child to follow them into the profession.
The breakdown of the teachers who have seriously considered getting out cite reasons that are all inter-related.
Inadequate pay is the marquee reason, and notably regional. Public school teachers are far less likely to feel fairly paid in the South and Midwest. That reason is followed closely by stress and pressure, which is followed by a lack of respect. Lack of support. Teaching no longer enjoyable. Testing requirements. Workload.
These are tied together with the single thread of distrust and disrespect for teachers. This has been evident on the national stage with issues like installing a Secretary of Education who had previously dismissed public education as a "dead end" or a Secretary CONTINUE READING: 'Tired Of Being Treated Like Dirt' Teacher Morale In The 2019 PDK Poll